Presto has been in the news quite a bit lately. I had a cranky-making experience with being unexpectedly out of tokens on a cold night and having the fancy Spadina
Category: Transportation
This is a picture I did not take
of a long line of idling cars waiting to get into the gas station, as I rode by on a bicycle powered only by sweat.
It’s not the headphones
Here we have an article exploring pedestrian-vehicle crashes “in which the pedestrian was using headphones“. Results There were 116 reports of death or injury of pedestrians wearing headphones. The majority
Bixi – some first impressions
I finally got my Bixi key last Wednesday, hurray! But I had to wait with tappy-footed impatience to try it out since I wasn’t downtown until today. I’ve been looking
An encouragement: bike commuting
In honour of Bike Month, here’s how to die on a bicycle: Fall under the rear wheels of a large vehicle (bus, dump truck, transport truck, etc.) which is turning
Sometimes the TTC rocks
On my ride home the other day I ended up stopped at a red light. There was a streetcar right next to me so when he honked I looked up
M’s new bike
M’s new bike Originally uploaded by morecoffeeplease. She chose the red one over the white-and-pink one. I hold out hope that perhaps the pink phase might be nearing its end.
Random advice to at least six cyclists in Chinatown last Thursday
CHAIN OIL. That is all.
Pantsless on the TTC
A silly but entertaining stunt/prank/bit of performance art/whatever from Improv in Toronto: the annual No Pants Subway Ride. Gotta love all the people in the background studiously ignoring the whole
Hey, let’s make quiet cars louder!
No, no, no. This is just mad: Hybrid Cars Too Quiet For Pedestrian Safety? Add Engine Noise, Say Researchers Important pedestrian safety issues have emerged with the advent of hybrid
Drive: A road trip through our complicated affair with the automobile
Drive: A road trip through our complicated affair with the automobile by Tim Falconer Falconer talks about the history of automobiles, Detroit then and now, car culture, the quirks of
The most underwhelming “green” product possibly ever
This, my friends, is a Cadillac Escalade hybrid. “Green by design!” It is still a car, likely to carry only one person and a box of kleenex from point A
I have nothing to add
Quotation of the Day for September 8, 2008 “Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There’s something wrong with a society that drives a car
On the way home
My colleagues and I settled into our VIA trip yesterday. The snack cart went by, then the conductor came by to collect our tickets, perhaps 30 minutes out of Windsor.
They don’t make it easy
$244 to Vancouver, or $245 to Paris? Well now. Good coffee in both places, but Vancouver baguettes cannot possibly compare…
Pedestrians notice this too
Quotation of the Day for October 5, 2007 “This is the basis of car culture, the idea that the world and all of the world’s people are merely in its
I always end up reading Outside magazine on airplanes. I compulsively buy it in airports. Is it just because airport newsstands have a terrible selection, forcing me to choose between
Meme: In how many metros around the world have you been?
Got at!
Unsafe driving behaviour and four wheel drive vehicles: observational study
A study done in London compared cellphone use and seatbelt use for normal cars and 4-wheel-drive behemoths. The results will surprise noone: Results Drivers of four wheel drive vehicles were
Good for Olivia
Via BikeToronto — Olivia Chow wants to introduce a private members’ bill to require sideguards on trucks. About time.