Quotation of the Day for March 8, 2009 “If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.” – Anatole France.
Category: Quotes
Mark Morford throws stuff at Bush
12 things to throw at Bush Best line: 12. Reality … He will merely blink a few times and get that look on his face like he almost had a
As we contemplate a coalition…
Quotation of the Day for August 8, 2008 “Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between
Because I have not left the house today, nor do I plan to do so
A poem: CONSOLATION How agreeable it is not to be touring Italy this summer, wandering her cities and ascending her torrid hill towns. How much better to cruise these local,
Drive: A road trip through our complicated affair with the automobile
Drive: A road trip through our complicated affair with the automobile by Tim Falconer Falconer talks about the history of automobiles, Detroit then and now, car culture, the quirks of
Beware of those who argue the loudest
Quotation of the Day for November 3, 2007 “Beware of those who argue the loudest. The truth does not care if it is questioned; the truth can always stand up
It’s true they don’t bleach well
Quotation of the Day for October 10, 2008 “You can clean files and other equipment, but there is just no way to sanitize live fish.” – Christine Anthony, spokeswoman for
Because they can.
Quotation of the Day for September 24, 2008 “Why then, if not to steal food, would a cat go up on the counter? Why did George Mallory try to go
Uh oh, apparently Sarah Palin shuns me
Sarah Palin was de-witched by nutball pastor? What a shame As for Palin, turns out Muthee laid on some hands, delivered a garbled serpents n’ brimstone prayer designed not merely
I have nothing to add
Quotation of the Day for September 8, 2008 “Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There’s something wrong with a society that drives a car
In honour of our most-likely-imminent election: Quotation of the Day for August 30, 2008 “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying
Lore Sjöberg on World of Warcraft
I don’t play WoW (Civilization’s always been my timesucking computer game). But Lore does: World of Warcraft‘s developers have mastered the unholy art of in-game bribery. They have discovered that
On being Canadian
Some random quotes on Canadianness… Quotation of the Day for June 22, 2008 “Canadians and Americans are indistinguishable. The only way to tell them apart is to make this statement
Ripple (in memory of Jerry Garcia)
The summer Jerry Garcia died, I was working at a daycamp in a conservation area outside Stouffville. Once each session some of the kids slept over at camp. I was
When you consider something like death
Quotation of the Day for April 7, 2008 “When you consider something like death, after which (there being no news flash to the contrary) we may well go out like
Of record collections and cabinetry
Quotation of the Day for June 30, 2008 “It’s no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn’t
Neil Gaiman on Douglas Adams
From an introduction to a biography: After he died, I was interviewed a lot, asked about Douglas. I said that I didn’t think that he had ever been a novelist,
Ah yes, the appendix
How odd to see this float through my inbox — Quotation of the Day for April 4, 2008 “Its major importance would appear to be financial support of the surgical
Quotation of the Day for February 25, 2008 “Walking, ideally, is a state in which the mind, the body, and the world are aligned, as though they were three characters
Good point
Quotation of the Day for January 5, 2008 “Because it does not take much courage to fight when you still believe you can win. What takes real courage is to