
Happy birthday!

At this very moment M is at a birthday party for one of her little friends. I boggle at this, because:

1. It’s Friday, when the kids are their most tired and fractious
2. And it was the 100th day of school, so they’re already jacked up on sugar from their class party
3. And it’s in the evening — arsenic hour!
4. And they invited all the girls in the class
5. And it’s at their house, not some facility made to tolerate the excited shrieking and bouncing of a dozen smallish girls
6. AND it’s three hours long.

Just the thought of it makes me want to lie down with a cold cloth on my head.

But instead D and I are heading out for a nice quiet dinner and a beer. Happy birthday A.!

3 thoughts on “Happy birthday!

  1. … a party at school because it’s the 100th day?? Wow, that’s really reaching…

  2. Yes, I think so too, but every year they make it into a big thing.

  3. Wow can’t imagine that scene. Makes me tired just thinking about it.

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