


Originally uploaded by morecoffeeplease.

There was really a lot of falling down and giggling, but she did get pretty good at getting back up by herself. I may dig the stroller out so she can have something to lean on a bit.

Also, I award myself about five billion Parental Brownie Points for standing outside on the ice for twenty minutes without complaint — well, without voicing any complaint, anyway — while it was -20C and I’d already been outside five times that day.

We finally got home (after MORE outings) around 6:30pm and I think I finally warmed up around 11, despite carrying a hot water bottle inside the front of my bathrobe for the intervening hours. Brrrrrrrr.

1 thought on “Skates!

  1. For me, the feet are critical for feeling truly warm.(Head and neck, too, when outside.) That, and the fact that I have frostbite on several toes. So I have invested in Truly Expensive Kid Mohair socks (yes, angora/cashmere socks!) — the warmest, softest socks on the planet — and a pair of down-filled “cabin slippers”, which look like puffy grey pillows on my feet, but they are So. Warm.

    Next on my heat-seeking agenda? An electric mattress pad, for a toasty-pre-warmed bed!

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