
M at the school Christmas concert

The kid loves to sing and is a total extrovert, so you’d think we’d have experienced a successful concert before now. But no. Even this past spring there were wails and tears when her cute bunny ears broke shortly before the concert, and I spent some minutes crouched in the Kindergarten classroom making soothing shushing noises and trying (with eventual success) to convince M to rejoin the singing.

So I was a bit nervous about the Primary School’s Christmas concert yesterday even though (again) M had been practicing hard and was (again) very enthusiastic about it. Cacophony I can handle. But would I have to rescue my wailing sproggle again? In front of several hundred other students and a horde of parents and other hangers-on? Ack.

The school gym was very full — even though I got there ten minutes early, I was stuck way at the back. I left my red hat on, though, and caught M’s eye as she was getting ready to sing with the French choir (she joined both French and English choirs), and there was much smiling and waving. And, thank goodness, there was singing and a total lack of wailing. Excellent.

She’s the one just left of the large black speaker.