
Singing in public is not so fun

Maddy’s kindergarten Earth Day concert, which she’d been happily looking forward to, was on Friday. All three kindergarten classes at her school did a cute bilingual concert together, wearing cute flowery little Earth Day headbands, and all the parents were invited to the concert, which was held at the school’s outdoor amphitheatre.

This is a photo of Maddy loudly wailing “MUMMY!” as they were all getting ready to sing. I was way at the back, so (given that the wailing was much louder than the singing, and was distracting everyone) I had to make my way through the whole crowd to intervene — “Excuse me, the wailing one is mine” and the crowd parted like magic.

After much comforting and exploration of causes it turned out that she thought ONLY her dad and I would be there, and was totally freaked out to encounter a huge crowd. Poor bunny.

I paused to take this photo before heading up to comfort her, which is probably worth a few years in purgatory or a subsequent life as a cockroach or something.