
Book #10: It’s a Girl

edited by Andrea J. Buchanan

It's a GirlMy sister bought this book for me for Christmas — it had been hanging about on my Amazon wishlist being neglected for some time, so it was wonderful to have it turn up as a surprise!

It’s a well-done collection. The writers are a diverse bunch, and they write about birthing daughters, adopting daughters, even not having a daughter.

They cover some of the usual issues (Barbie, dealing with all that pink, eating disorders) and some I hadn’t seen before: How do you explain your three plastic surgeries while simultaneously trying to teach body acceptance? Why is the daughter of two rather butch lesbians such a fashionista, and should they wear lipstick to please her? It covers the light and the dark, the fluffy and the heavy, sometimes all in the same piece.

There’s a companion volume also edited by Andi Buchanan, It’s a Boy! Women Writers on Raising Sons which I may pick up as well.