

Thanks to Abbey Cat Adoptions (go ahead, click the link and look at all the adorable kitties that need homes… I dare you….), we’ve been adopted by two new kitties.

This is Jake. He’s 2 and he’s originally from Hamilton:


And this is his pal (they were in the same foster home) Elwood, who is 5 and from Collingwood:


They’re settling in very well. Jake has decided that M’s bed is his territory, which pleases everyone except Elwood, who was firmly batted away from the prime next-to-warm-small-child zone tonight. Jake’s also discovered that if he sits on the stairs he blends in very well, thus maximizing his chances of killing us and providing himself with fresh meat. In the meantime he likes to sit by the kitchen table and wait for M to “drop” things in his vicinity.

Elwood is louder and more overtly sociable and likes to play with the ribbons on all the helium balloons left over from M’s party last weekend. He likes to experimentally claw at things at night, making boring sleeping humans transform into lively awake humans, but we’ll work on that.

Yay, cats! And hey, now we have a kid that’s old enough to scoop out litterboxes!

6 thoughts on “Kittehz!

  1. He’s a total sweetie. Wiped out in a pile of clean laundry just now. 🙂

  2. Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to come visit the sweeties. Now Gabriel has real competition in the cuteness department.

  3. Congratulations! They are extremely cute. I am not taking your dare to look at the webpage–I think Craig would have a fit as I already brought home another beastie from the research colony last year.

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