- I burned my hand nastily this morning — left hand, of course; whoever burns their non-dominant hand? — and I can’t even blame anyone. It was just a stupid non-preventable accident (lid fell off the kettle [for the first time ever] while I was making coffee [not even real coffee! Just my usual pathetic decaf!] and my fingers were in the path of the resulting blast of steam). Three and a half of my fingers are red, shiny, and excruciatingly painful.
- Hideous weather. Rain combined with snow so thick it makes a wet splat when it hits the ground. Rain, snow. Pick one. Or preferably neither. Please send me to a Caribbean island now or let me hibernate under the duvet until about April, kthxbai.
- On a related note, Canada keeps spurning Turks & Caicos when they approach us and ask to be a Canadian territory. Why? Why?
- We got all excited yesterday because on a whim we bought celeriac (impressively ugly, as it should be), cooked it, ate it and actually liked it. Getting excited about vegetables = middle age, for sure.
- Can’t sleep because my throat is too scratchy. Tired.
- Dark by 4pm today. Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhggg.
- Out of Grand Marnier.
I think I get a do-over for today. All in favour, say Aye.
Hope your hand heals up fast… owwie! 🙁