

Some observations:

  • One expects, reasonably, to have sore arms after canoeing. The sore abs (from bracing the paddle strokes) and glutes (from balancing the boat) are always a surprise.
  • My tent fly has delaminated and the poor thing is now about as waterproof as a J-cloth. It’s well over ten years old and owes me nothing. We’ve had many fun adventures together. But if it can’t keep the rain off my head (and my kid, more importantly), we may have to go our separate ways. I may take up with its bigger sibling… apparently they now make my tent in a 3-person size (yay).
  • The leaves up by Parry Sound are starting to turn already. Bah.
  • Crocs are pretty good campsite shoes.
  • It is possible to single-trip portage with one fairly tolerant five-year-old.
  • If you are five and have never been out in the rain long enough to get seriously, unpleasantly cold, it is hard to convince you that coming in out of the rain would be a mighty fine idea.
  • That Wolf Blass Bilyara Reserve cab sauv in the plastic bottles? Ideal. Not only do you have a half-decent wine, after it’s gone you have an extra water bottle.
  • Chipmunks like their dinner acorns washed and served on leaf plates. chipmunkdinner.jpg
  • Some places are really gorgeous, even in gloomy weather.view.jpg

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