

So Maddy’s kindergarten has a new “borrow a book” program, in which a book comes home in a little plastic bag and we’re supposed to help her point to letters, find patterns and basically admire the pretty colours and stuff while we read it to her over and over until she’s memorized it. Once they’ve “read” (their term, not mine) the book, the parents are supposed to fill out a little form and she can then trade the book in for a new one. Five books = 1 sticker prize or some other incentive.

I left Maddy’s book with her while I showered this morning. She read it to me easily when I came out (including words like Umbrella and Elephant), so I handed her the little little form to fill out by herself. “Date, title, who I read to, comment. Ok mama!”

Her comment, in sparkly pink gel pen: “ET WUS TOO ESSI”*

Um, yes! And I am glad she wrote it and not me!

I hope her teacher has stocked up on stickers.

*: It was too easy

3 thoughts on “Amused

  1. Robyn, can it really be that your daughter is already in Kindergarten?!? Then again, mine are both teens!

    Good to find you here.

  2. THAT’S MY NEICE!!! :))

    ‘atta girl, you tell ’em.

    Hey, have you told her about my kindergarden teacher who wouldn’t believe that I could read? And made me write out EVERY word I could read on one index card each and put it in a little box? Stupid woman, I still remember telling her that all of the words in english wouldn’t fit in one box… How bloody frustrating. I hope Maddy’s teacher gets the point.

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