

Quotation of the Day for January 5, 2007:

“I’ve been waist-deep in a dead hippopotamus, and I’d rather do that than change diapers.”

– Eric Humphries, production manager at Skulls Unlimited International, on getting used to his line of work. The company claims to be the world’s leading supplier of bones, both human and animal, which they clean and process at their Oklahoma City facility.

The other day I went out to turn the compost and one of the worm bins had gone anaerobic.

Oh god. The stench.

I’d forgotten one bin was lacking drainage holes in the bottom, so the whole bin was a nasty swampy soup resembling raw sewage. The worms were still alive, though, so I spent an unhappily penitential hour messing about with bins and piles of dry leaves and shredded newspaper and trowels and several cubic feet of odorific anaerobic compost. (And a drill, of course, to put drainage holes in the relevant bin so this won’t happen again.)

Like Mr. Humphries, I have spent a certain amount of time messing about, unfazed, inside dead animals. And I have changed my fair share of diapers. But slimy-stinky half-compost? Eeeeewwwwww!