
Why I’m always so tired after vacations

Errands. I spend my vacations doing errands, cleaning the house, and — inevitably — painting things.

Today we (minus Maddy, who spent the day happily playing at daycare since she would’ve been bored to tears by all of this) pursued a missing bit of a plumbing fixture, took many boxes of books downtown to the Trinity Book Sale, looked at glass block for the shower wall, and searched out more Mill Street Coffee Porter (highly recommended). I did some laundry and D did some drywall sanding, because once the mudding is done I can paint and it just wouldn’t be a vacation without the smell of primer in my nose. AND we went to Ikea in search of bathroom cabinets.

Cabinets which we found, only a little bit hidden (who decided to display bathroom cabinets in the Bedroom section?).

And they were okay, but they had the dreaded “speak to a ‘co-worker’ about these items” tags.

But we quickly found a “co-worker” who told us where they could be found in the warehouse.

And they were actually there.

All of them. Frames, doors, shelves — all on the shelf, exactly where they were supposed to be, in the colours and sizes and quantities we needed.

We’ve clearly blown our Ikea karma for the next decade or so. Woe is us when we go to acquire kitchen cabinets…