
Dear federal Liberals,

Just how many months have we been forced to hear about the internal struggles of a bunch of fairly dull, fairly similar guys? The tedium has been intense and constant, relieved only occasionally by the Toronto Star photo editor, who has taken an obvious dislike to Mr. Ignatieff.

Tell you what. Next time you need to pick a new leader, rip the bandaid off and do it within 24 hours of the time the old guy quits. Get some excitement in there! Maybe arm wrestling would settle it? Or the classic rock-paper-scissors? Or, in the interest of televisability, a cage match. Now THAT would get out the votes.



5 thoughts on “Dear federal Liberals,

  1. Did you watch the convention? THAT was exciting! Really, it was. Neck and neck results. Twists and turns and sudden shifts. Until the third ballot, I thought Rae had it. Ignatieff, for all the publicity, was out after the first, really. (Best speech of the day? Ken Dryden.)

    Of course, they’ve elected the policy wonk (not that someone who knows how the system works is a BAD thing, but a scintillating speaker, he’s not). So imagine the debates in the House, as Policy Wonk Dion goes head-to-head with Policy Wonk Harper.


    Ah, well. Good thing we’re Canadians, and don’t (like some societies we know) confuse ‘celebrity’ and ‘pizazz’ with ‘quality’ and ‘ability’.

  2. No, I didn’t watch — I haven’t the patience!

    I like Dion well enough (not that I am Liberal). Am hoping he gets a better stylist, though.

    I still think a cage match would’ve been better.

  3. I am not loyal to any party. I vote for the representative I prefer in my riding. Over the years, I’ve voted for all three major parties, though less often Conservative. I think once I may have voted Marijuana. Not sure why… just feeling goofy that day?

    No comment on the ‘cave match’ idea. I have no idea what it is… Really.

  4. Cage match would be good, granted, but there is something beautiful about the simplicity of rock, paper, scissors…

  5. Mary, a cage match is one of those goofy things where there’s a big cagelike device in which the combatants are entrapped, and then they fight each other with much fierceness. It’s good TV.

    Rock paper scissors has a pleasing elegance, but is perhaps less TV-friendly….

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