

A few weeks ago I finally finished M’s quilt:

M's quilt

It’s roughly twin-sized – 55″ by 75.5″. I’m quite happy with it, although the back (off-white lightweight polar fleece) isn’t perfect — sewing fleece is an occult art, I fear, and even the walking foot on the machine wasn’t quite up to the task — and the binding is a little odd in spots as it was my first attempt to finish it on the machine. Still, I much preferred using the machine to do the binding. I started off finishing it by hand but it looked terrible given the fleece backing and the high contrast between the off-white fleece and the purple binding, so I figured if it wasn’t going to be perfect it may as well not bore me for eleventy-billion hours and I tossed it onto the machine. The binding, which doesn’t show up well in the picture, is the same fabric as the inner border.

I used Warm and Natural cotton batting, which is warm but relatively thin. With the fleece backing, the quilt is good alone for shoulder seasons. In winter M can toss it over her duvet.

I had some small scraps left over, mostly 4.5″ strips, so the quilt spawned two accessory projects.

First, there’s a 12″ throw pillow:

Throw pillow

This was a project I mostly did during the sewing class M and I took together in the winter. On my own I wouldn’t have thought to add the extra detail stitching, but I like the effect. The front and back are more-or-less the same, using up 18 4.5″ squares, and there’s a narrow border of the purple binding fabric along the edges (since I also had a bit of binding left over).

I didn’t want M’s doll to feel all left out, and there were still some scraps left, so I improvised a quilted sleeping bag for her as well (and as usual, a cat decided to photobomb):

Doll sleeping bag

It used 8 4.5″ squares and 8 2.25″ squares of scrap fabric, as well as all but about three inches of the leftover purple binding, an extra strip of the dark purple outer border (cut in half to form the side bands on the sleeping bag), some leftover batting, and a random scrap of the binding fabric on the back the was coincidentally exactly the right size:

Doll sleeping bag - back

Now the doll will be able to join in the general mess of M’s bed:

Messy bed