
And now my back needs professional attention


  • Got up, ate breakfast, wished body would tolerate caffeine, read the (very thin) paper.
  • Got dressed and headed down to the basement to help D mix up some thinset for tiling the bathroom floor. My role: holding the bucket so it didn’t spin and skate across the floor as it resisted being mixed. Also my role: absorbent surface for a great sloosh of not-mixed-yet-but-still-very-muddy thinset which decided to make a break for freedom.
  • Shed muddy clothes. Decided this was as good a time as any to start the laundry. Ran up and down the stairs a few times with laundry hampers.
  • Got dressed (again).
  • Rethreaded the sewing machine with red thread (it’s still new enough that this is a scary process); fixed two holes in Maddy’s skirt without mishap. Yay!
  • Cleaned the bathroom.
  • Headed outside. Raked and bagged leaves, with help from Maddy, who likes to stomp them down in the yard waste bin.
  • Somehow stepped in cat poop. Happily, Crocs are easily cleanable with a garden hose. Maddy helped by making loud “EW, STINKY!” proclamations.
  • Raked the very long grass in one direction. Mowed.
  • Moved stuff around in the garage so Maddy could extract and ride her tractor.
  • Raked the still rather long grass in another direction. Mowed again.
  • Raked in random directions, trying to make the STILL long grass stand up so it would be cut. Mowed a third time.
  • Gave up on mowing.
  • Remembered we also have grass in the front yard. Mowed.
  • Dug great quantities of worm compost into the garden.
  • Wrestled the tractor back into the garage. Wrestled sand from the sandbox lid (which Maddy had turned into some sort of sand-and-sea resort for ants) back into the sandbox.
  • Beer. Aaaah.
  • More laundry.
  • Got the bread machine started on a loaf of bread.
  • Helped Maddy tidy her room.
  • Vacuuming.
  • Admired newly-tiled bathroom floor.
  • More laundry.
  • Embarked on dinner. Shed various notions due to an almost complete lack of food in the house. Ended up with a mushroom quiche and a fruit crisp.
  • More laundry.
  • Showered!
  • Nice dinner with visiting friends.
  • Ran the dishwasher.
  • Goofed about online for a bit.
  • Folded laundry.
  • Ran the dishwasher again.
  • Packed Maddy a lunch for her field trip today.
  • Fell into bed.

1 thought on “And now my back needs professional attention

  1. oh my lord, how the heck did you cram all of that into one measley day?!

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