
Last I heard…

Borrowed from Melle: run your name and the phrase “last I heard she/he was” through Google:

The last i heard she was an Army MP somewhere in Germany
Last i heard she was getting her wisdom teeth pulled
Last I heard, she was graduating from a Utah high school in 1985.
last i heard she was/is dating Ty who played guitar in 19 of Salem
Last I heard she was doing interior design
Last I heard she was a AZ1 but that could be wrong
Last I heard she was getting married to someone in the Armed Forces
Last I heard, she was able to walk on a walker but not down a hallway on her own.
Last i heard she was teaching … There’s a little more to that story but it’s too stupid to post.
Last I heard she was suing for voter fraud
The last I heard she was living with some other toothless drug addict
Last i heard she was at BYU and total mormon
last I heard, she was dusting off those red shoes, mumbling to herself something like “I’m going to get my babies out of jail…”

Seems I get around!