These are great words! It would be a shame to lose them, even if they are obscure.
Abstergent: Cleansing
Agrestic: Rural
Apodeictic: Unquestionably true by virtue of demonstration
Caducity: Perishableness
Caliginosity: Dimness
Compossible: Possible in coexistence with something else
Embrangle: To confuse
Exuviate: To shed
Fatidical: Prophetic
Fubsy: Squat
Griseous: Somewhat grey
Malison: A curse
Mansuetude: Gentleness
Muliebrity: The condition of being a woman
Niddering: Cowardly
Nitid: Bright
Olid: Foul-smelling
Oppugnant: Combative
Periapt: An amulet
Recrement: Refuse
Roborant: Tending to fortify
Skirr: A whirring sound, as of the wings of birds in flight
Vaticinate: Prophesy
Vilipend: To treat with contempt
I particuarly like compossible, fubsy, niddering and the especially onomatopoeic skirr.
They may sound nice, but I’ve never seen nor heard them, so their only use is in spelling bees.
“Fubsy”, I love it, I’m going to have to start using it… and I’m sure I could work “apodeictic” into one of these documents I’m writing…