

Day 2: West wall

Originally uploaded by morecoffeeplease.

We apparently made the appropriate obeisances to the kitchen gods, because some otherwise massively overbooked installers — they are all massively overbooked, it seems — had a cancellation and were able to take on our kitchen immediately.

(Pause here for heavenly chorus accompanied by trumpets and fireworks)

This is one corner at the end of day 2.

The pot on the counter is our biggest stockpot and no, we haven’t been cooking in there. It’s just there for measuring where the pot-filler faucet on the wall above the stove needs to go.

3 thoughts on “Progress!

  1. Yup. Thing that swings out over big pots and fills them with water. ‘Course, it doesn’t help you lift the thing off the burner AFTER it’s done, but nice to start out with…

  2. We have a similar thing and the big giant sink so you can put said dirty pot in the sink and hide it before guests come —best things ever in a kitchen!!!!

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