
Plush. It keeps getting stranger.

(hat tip to Boing Boing)

Now you can buy plush human organs — no, not THAT kind of organ*, just the boring internal “guts” kind of organ.

I could see giving someone a plush anatomically-correct heart as a silly romantic gesture, if the recipient were suitably biology-geeky. But on what possible occasion would you give someone a plush kidney or liver? Hmm.

Perhaps the plush organs could be friends with, or alternatively have wars with, the giant plush microbes.

* I am so, so not imageGoogling that concept

6 thoughts on “Plush. It keeps getting stranger.

  1. Well there you go! A good reason for a kidney plush. The market speaks, yet again.

  2. I am on the waiting list for a kidney transplant and I want a plush one to take with me to dialysis until I get my new one! 🙂

  3. Excellent. Good luck with both the dialysis and the transplant!

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