
Happy long weekend!

Reading at the museum

Originally uploaded by morecoffeeplease.

Yesterday we bestirred ourselves only to head down to our local for brunch (crab-and-spinach eggs benny and double-chocolate cherry stout, mmmm) and then we sluggishly lay about the house digesting for the rest of the day, burping occasionally and studiously ignoring the snow flurries outside. Very enjoyable.

Today we were more active and hit the ROM — or the bit of it that’s fun for kids, anyway — with a pile of friends and our horde of small ones. We were going to go to a farm but it’s hard to ignore the snow flurries when you’re out in them. The kids would’ve been fine, I’m sure, but we adults felt wimpy about the cold. So the museum it was.

Then lunch, and now we’re embarking on Projects. M is doing something with small bits of wool and her unicorn toys, D has just arrived back from an expedition to Home Despot and I am messing about (fairly literally) in the kitchen with Estonian dessert recipes and phyllo dough appetizers for tomorrow’s dinner. That’ll be enough activity, I think, and we’ll probably lie around sluggishly and burp again for the next two days.