
Birthday wisdom

I had a lovely afternoon at the craft show on Friday and am now the owner of:

  • a laptop bag for my new computer (in grey flannel with red satin dragonfly-pattern lining from Melissa Beth Designs — I did NOT want yet more black cordura),
  • a new handbag (picked out for me by the guy who made it, same guy who made my last purse; this new bag is big enough to hold my lunch, my camera, my notebook and the huge-ass daytimer necessitated by unsharable electronic calendars at work),
  • a hammock-chair for under our chestnut tree out back,
  • a bag of Citrus-Glazed Almonds with Candied Ginger from the Bruce County Fudge Co.,
  • some new clothes for M.,
  • and a whole pile of sniffy soap.

My birthday’s not until tomorrow, but we had the cake event already (D’s first attempt, and a triumph) so I feel I can deliver my bit of wisdom for this upcoming year:

Spend your tax refund the day after you get it, so you’re not tempted to do something sensible with it.

4 thoughts on “Birthday wisdom

  1. Holy cats, that’s a beautiful laptop case. WOW!
    Excellent tax-return advice, Birthday Girl. Most excellent.


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