
Make a List

  1. It’s raining
  2. Really hard
  3. Yay!
    • Perhaps it’ll remove some of the disgusting scum left behind by the melting snow
  4. Temperature is well above zero.
    • Rainboots instead of snowboots this morning.
    • Also, splash pants instead of snowpants
    • It’s definitely good for the poor crocuses, who stuck their heads above ground last week and were instantly hit with a 20C temp drop
  5. Thunder!
  6. A perfect day to:
    • Be working at home
    • Contemplate making some soup stock
    • Enjoy the feeling that it might actually be spring soonish

2 thoughts on “Make a List

  1. 1. It’s raining.
    2. Yet more bloody rain.
    3. Good weather for:
    a) moving to Hawaii
    b) saran-wrapping the baby
    c) staying inside with a nice cuppa
    d) did i mention Hawaii?
    4. Rain, apparently, goes with Spring here in Vancouver. And summer. And fall. And especially winter. There’s still a sun up there somewhere, right?
    5. Gotta make those sunny days count, when they happen!
    6. Why haven’t we booked a trip to Hawaii?

  2. I can vouch for the existence of the sun, but answering #6 is beyond my ken…

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