- Boiling water without bubbles: Researchers engineer special surface, allowing water to boil without producing bubbles
Boiling water without bubbles: Researchers engineer special surface, allowing water to boil without producing bubbles:
Published Sept. 13 in the journal Nature, the research outlines how a specially engineered coated surface can create a stable vapor cushion between the surface and a hot liquid and eliminate the bubbles that are created during boiling
- BBC News – Swallowed toothpick causes blood poisoning
BBC News – Swallowed toothpick causes blood poisoning:
A woman developed severe blood poisoning and a liver abscess after inadvertently swallowing a toothpick. The toothpick perforated her gullet and lodged in a lobe of her liver.
- BBC Nature – Virgin births discovered in wild snakes
BBC Nature – Virgin births discovered in wild snakes:
…proved the North American pit vipers reproduced without a male, a phenomenon called facultative parthenogenesis that has previously been found only in captive species.
Of course it would be pit vipers and not fluffy bunnies, wouldn’t it.
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