
This is not a picture of Canada

Originally uploaded by opeksei.

…reminding me of how cold and snowy it emphatically is not, at the moment. If I wasn’t still sick — still!! It’s been over three weeks now; very boring — I’d be out enjoying the weather. As it is I’m just wrapping up work so I can head off for a massage and then two much-needed weeks of vacation.

But back to the photo. I liked the curve of the shoreline and the reflection in the water in this one — something about the light/dark balance — and the fog adds a bit of mystery. The photographer is Finnish.

3 thoughts on “This is not a picture of Canada

  1. It adheres to the “rule of thirds”, which is what your eye was probably attracted by… images are most appealing when they are divided, by light/colour/composition/focal point, into thirds, or thirds of thirds, etc etc. This one definitely does it!

  2. So it does! I had forgotten about that rule.

    When I saw there was a comment, I thought it was going to be something about the hideous weather on the West Coast!

  3. I choose not to comment about that 😉

    They manage to fill hour after hour of local news here with weather stories… I’d watched it for a few nights in a row before I realised that I still had no idea what was actually going on in the world, despite watching the 6pm news! What the hell?! Lordy, sometimes I miss BBC World…

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