
On skivvies, skimpiness of

Her Way Sucks, I Prefer His:

I discovered accidentally, about 10 years ago, that men feel entitled to wear comfortable underwear that covers their entire ass. The whole thing.

Can you believe it? They feel entitled to comfortable underwear that covers their whole ass. Both cheeks entirely. They don’t feel they should shrink their ass – they feel the makers of underwear should provide enough fabric to serve its function. I’m just saying – that’s a different relationship than women have with our skivvies.

I prefer boxers, myself — a discovery made when I spent my first summer as a canoe tripper — but to each her own.

(h/t to Feminist Law Professors)

2 thoughts on “On skivvies, skimpiness of

  1. My problem these days is trying to figure out where my butt ends and my legs start… how do you know if you’re covering both cheeks if you can’t tell where they stop?!?

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