

This is a US campaign, but I’ll leave out the Bush-directed stuff and join in anyway.

Blog for Choice Day - January 22, 2007

Choice of all kinds is critical to our free existence as adults.

I do not think I would have had an abortion if I had become pregnant accidentally. My biological clock went off when I was about 18, so while the timing might’ve sucked, I would’ve been happy enough to make it work out somehow.

But my own decision-making processes are completely irrelevant. It’s nobody else’s business; these personal decisions are exactly that — personal.

Abortion needs to be available. Really available, not just in the next province over, or 300km down the road — available and accessible, so women can get abortions early on, while it’s safest. On a related note, Plan B should be available without a prescription, as it is now in Canada (yay), and you shouldn’t need to be 18 to get it. It’s critical that women of all ages be able to control our own bodies or we are reduced to some infantilized state incompatible with democracy.

Oh yeah?  Well, YOU keep your body off of my laws!
(graphic courtesy toothpaste for dinner)

I gotta say, nothing made me more pro-choice than being (deliberately!) pregnant. Nobody should be forced to go through that against her will. Nobody.

Your body, your choice.

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