
It’s a good thing there aren’t many in a package

For some years now various people who’ve spent time in Australia have been telling me about Tim Tams, which are a sort of chocolate-covered cream-filled cookie.

Tim Tams

It’s not their cookie-ness (although they are fine cookies) that makes people pursue them across oceans, though, it’s what you can do with them. The thing to do is to bite off two opposite corners, dip one into a hot drink, use it as a straw as long as possible and then just at the instant it falls to bits, slurp it into your mouth. This is a Tim Tam Slam.

Since Tim Tams aren’t widely available in Canada I decided I’d avoid them. The last thing I need is another junk-food addiction.

Bailey's CaramelBut recently someone mentioned the specific name of a store which carries Tim Tams, and the other day I ended up walking past it and thought I’d pick some up and give them a try. Melle had mentioned something about melty mouthfuls of chewy caramel, and who can resist that?

And so I offer the following recipe:

Take a mug of hot coffee.
Add 1 oz Bailey’s Caramel and mix well.
Open package of Chewy Caramel Tim Tams.
Perform Tim Tam Slam.
Die happy.

4 thoughts on “It’s a good thing there aren’t many in a package

  1. Lucky Moose — south side of Dundas, about three shops west of the AGO. The cookie aisle is just left of the ramp inside the store.

    Enjoy. 🙂

  2. Your post led me to look up Tim Tams on Chowhound and I bought some at the Lucky Moose this afternoon. Many people had been there before me, I could see! Should have bought two packages.

    I had them years ago when a friend who moved to Australia brought some back on a visit home. Delicious even without the Baileys and coffee, I think…

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