
On being Canadian

Some random quotes on Canadianness…

Quotation of the Day for June 22, 2008

“Canadians and Americans are indistinguishable. The only way to tell them apart is to make this statement to a Canadian.”

– Alan Abel, American, writer for the (Canadian) National Post, quoting (he believes) from “Canajan Eh?” which he read back in the seventies. CBC Radio, “The Current”, 11 Jun 2008.

Canadian decision-making

Quotation of the Day for June 19, 2008:

“Canadians know that other countries exist. You all think of yourselves as one nation among many. Whereas my fellow Americans and I think of ourselves as one nation under God.”

– Will Straw, Acting Director of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada as quoted by Sean Cole, Boston-based NPR reporter, CBC Radio, “The Current”, 11 Jun 2008.